The Madison County Republican Party believes that everyone should have the opportunity to get as much information as possible in order to be an informed voter.

The Republican Voter:
- Learn how, when, and where you can Register To Vote,
- Who your Elected Officials are,
- Who is up for re-election and the Candidate Information,
- and web Links of Interest.
Register To Vote:
The Madison County Board of Elections is your source for election information. Provides you with important election dates and information about the board, issues, candidates, voter registration, and poll worker info. Also includes important election news, dates, election night results and links, and contact info.
To register in Ohio you must:
- Be a citizen of the United States
- Be a resident of Ohio
- Be 18 years old on or before election day. If you will be 18 on or before the day of the general election, you may vote in the primary election for candidates only.
- Not be convicted of a felony and currently incarcerated
- Not be found incompetent by a court for purposes of voting.
How to Register To Vote:
Download Voter Registration Form in PDF
You may print and complete the application for an absentee ballot available online and mail it to:

Madison County Board of Elections
117 W. High St., Suite 102
London, OH 43140
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
(Monday – Friday)
Telephone: (740) 852-9424
Fax: (740) 852-7131
Web Access to Board of Elections available here for your easy access.
Access the Ohio GOP website for more information about voting. Do you need to register to vote? Don’t forget to have your driver’s license and social security number handy!
Voting For Ohio GOP Candidates
The Silent Majority Cannot Remain Silent Anymore.
Keep America Great. We are Republicans. Are your friends and family all registered to vote? Share the word, and help them to Register To Vote. Thank you for supporting the Ohio GOP.