By Laws of the MCR Central Committee


Section One: The name of this Committee shall be the Madison County Republican Central Committee and shall consist of all qualified Republican precinct committeemen of Madison County, Ohio, whether they be duly elected at the primary election for four (4) years serving the same four (4) years as the Governor in Ohio or duly appointed pursuant to Article VIII of these bylaws, and it will hereinafter be referred to as the “Central Committee”.

Section Two: It shall be the duty of the Central Committee to manage the affairs of the Republican Party in Madison County, Ohio; to direct the general policy of the Party organization in the County; to direct and conduct campaign activities; to promote the best interest of the Party, and to perform all duties by law or custom required of it.


Section One: The members-elect of the Central Committee shall meet not earlier than six (6) nor later than fifteen (15) days following the declaration of the results by the Madison County Board of Elections of the election of members of the Central Committee at primary elections. Notice of any meeting held pursuant to this Section, giving the place and time, shall be sent to each member-elect by the Secretary of the Central Committee whose term is expiring, by mail, and a copy of the notice shall be posted in the office of the Madison County Board of Elections at least five (5) days prior to any such meeting.

Section Two: The organizational meeting shall proceed under the bylaws approved by the retiring Central Committee which are in force at the time of the organizational meeting. The meeting shall be called to order by the County Chairman whose term is expiring, or in his absence by the Vice-Chairman whose term is expiring, or in his absence by the Secretary whose term is expiring. The Chairman and Secretary whose terms are expiring shall automatically serve as Temporary Chairman and Temporary Secretary, respectively, for the purpose of conducting elections for the offices of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer of the Central Committee. Nominations may be made from the floor. Such elections for permanent officers may or may not be by secret ballot as deemed appropriate by the Temporary Chairman. In the case of a tie vote for any office, the Temporary Chairman shall conduct subsequent ballots for such office until the tie is broken.

Section Three: Persons eligible to vote for the offices set forth in Section Two of this Article shall be the members of the Central Committee, pursuant to Article I, Section One, of these bylaws.

Section Four: The Chairman whose term is expiring shall announce the results of the elections for officers, whose four (4) year terms shall commence immediately, and such new officers shall assume their duties forthwith.

Section Five: As the first order of business following the seating of new officers, the Central Committee shall proceed to adopt bylaws for its operation or approve the bylaws that have been in place for the previous Central Committee.


Section One: The Chairman shall also manage the affairs of the Central Committee, appoint all Committee Chairperson, appoint any staff, call such meetings as are prescribed by statute or these bylaws, preside at all meetings of the Central Committee, arrange for an annual audit, and perform all other duties prescribed by statute or usually exercised by the County Chairman and not inconsistent with these bylaws.

Section Two: The Vice-Chairman shall perform the duties of the Chairman in his absence or in the case of the death of the Chairman, his resignation, his removal from the County, or his inability to act, until a new Chairman is elected. In such case the Secretary shall call a meeting of the Central Committee within thirty (30) days of the vacancy for the purpose of electing a new Chairman for the unexpired term.

Section Three: The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings, notify all members of called meetings, and keep committee attendance records.

Section Four: The Treasurer shall receive all funds belonging to the Central Committee and Executive Committee, shall in a timely manner deposit all funds into the Committee’s checking or savings accounts, shall keep proper books of account of all monies received and paid out, and shall pay out routine expenditures between meetings up to $200.00 per separate expenditure, with larger expenditures between meetings to be approved by all officers, i.e. the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, and Secretary. The Treasurer shall also be responsible for preparing and filing of all financial statements and reports required by the Board of Elections or Secretary of State, pursuant to statute.

Section Five: No officer or member of the Central Committee or Executive Committee shall have any implied power individually to bind the Committee by any financial contract or obligation, and all powers to bind such Committees must be expressly granted by these bylaws or resolution properly adopted by the Central Committee or Executive Committee and properly recorded in the minutes by the Secretary.

Section Six: All officers upon leaving office shall present their books and records to their successors immediately following installation of the new officers.


Section One: The standing subcommittees of the Central Committee shall be: Finance Committee, and such other subcommittees as the Central Committee may, from time to time, establish.

Section Two: The Finance Committee shall be appointed by the County Chairman with approval by the Executive Committee, and the members of the Finance Committee may or may not be members of the Central Committee. The Finance Committee shall examine the accounts of the Treasurer, and shall make an annual report to the Central Committee, arrange for the collection of funds and promote public relations for the Party.

Section Three: In addition to the standing subcommittee, the County Chairman may appoint such temporary subcommittees as he may deem necessary to further the goals of the Party.


Section One: Pursuant to Section 3517.03 of the Ohio Revised Code, The Madison County Central Committee creates an Executive Committee and empowers this Committee to act as the official voice of the Madison County Republican Party. The Central Committee grants to it all powers except the powers explicitly granted to the Central Committee and the power to appoint members to the Executive Committee.

Section Two: Membership of the Executive Committee shall consist of:

  1. Members of the Central Committee (27)
  2. President of the Madison County Republican Women’s Club or her designee.
  3. At-Large Members approved by the Central Committee.
  4. Republican County Elected Office Holders (County Commissioners, Clerk of Court, Engineer, Treasurer, Auditor, Recorder, Prosecutor, Sheriff, and Coroner).

Section Three: The Madison County Central Committee may consider at-large appointments to the Executive Committee on a semi-annual basis. The prospective at-large member(s) must have attended Madison County Central Committee meetings for at least a six (6) month period prior to consideration, and made a request for an appointment to the Executive Committee to a member of the Executive Board. Upon request for consideration and completion of the sixth-month period, the Chairman shall make a recommendation for or against appointment to the Executive Committee. The Central Committee shall appoint at-large members to the Executive Committee by a majority vote of all the members present of the Central Committee. Advance notice to all members of the Central Committee shall be made by means of US Mail or e-mail at least five (5) days in advance of any vote for Executive Committee Membership.

Section Four: All at large members of the Executive Committee shall be elected to four (4) year terms serving the same four (4) year term as the Governor of Ohio.

Section Five: All members of the Executive Committee, other than Central Committee members, must have voted at the last Primary as a Republican to be eligible to serve on this Committee.

Section Six: In situations involving voting of the Executive Committee, one person representing more than one category, only has one vote.

Section Seven: The officers of the Central Committee shall assume the same offices of the Executive Committee.


Section One: There shall be a minimum of one (1) meeting a year and such other meetings as deemed necessary by the Chairman or the Executive Committee. Notice of all meetings shall be sent to each member of the Central Committee by the Secretary at least five (5) days prior to the date of the meeting by US Mail or e-mail.

Section Two: In order to have a quorum and conduct business, at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the duly qualified members of the Central Committee must be present. No proxy votes shall be accepted. A quorum being present, any business may be conducted, and a majority of the quorum must vote favorably for the passage of any matters of business.

Section Three: Roberts’ Rules of Order shall govern all proceedings of the Central Committee not specifically covered by these bylaws.


Section One: Any vacancies in the office of precinct committeeman for the County shall be filled by appointment of the County Chairman to be approved at the next full meeting of the Central Committee.

Section Two: Persons appointed to vacancies in the office of precinct committeeman pursuant to this Article, shall be deemed as voting members of the Central Committee for all purposes, and shall perform all other duties of the office for the unexpired term.

Section Three: The Central Committee is a public body under Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code when making appointments to vacant public offices. This requires all votes for public appointments to be cast via roll call.


Section One: In the event of a vacancy in any elected office under circumstances which permit the selection of a successor, or the recommendation of a successor, by the Central Committee of the Republican Party of Madison County, such selection or recommendation shall be made at a meeting called for such purpose by the County Chairman, and the Secretary shall give each member of the Central Committee at least five (5) days notice of the time, place and purpose of the meeting, by mail. If a quorum of the members of the Central Committee are present at such meeting, a majority of those persons present may make such selection or recommendation to fill the vacancy.

Section Two: In the event of a vacancy on the Board of Elections, such vacancy shall be filled as set forth in the Ohio Revised Code § 3501.07.

Section Three: The Central Committee is a public body under Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code when making appointments to vacant public offices. This requires all votes for public appointments to be cast via roll call.


Section One: The Executive Committee is responsible for endorsements. A candidate shall be considered the Endorsed Republican candidate if he or she receives the majority vote of all members present.

Section Two: When a potential candidate does not clearly adhere to and publicly follow established principles and philosophy of the Republican Party or has actively campaigned for another party, the following actions can occur:

  1. At the Central Committee meeting called no later than sixty (60) days prior to the primary, it should be brought to the attention of the Central Committee that there exists a potential Candidate for Office who does not adhere to or publicly refutes the principles and philosophy of the Republican Party as established by the National, State and Local party.
  2. An effort will be made to notify all Republicans prior to the Spring Election that a Candidate falling under Article X, Section Two – 1 above does not have the endorsement of the Republican Party. The remaining Candidates may be endorsed.
  3. In order for the action in Article X, Section Two – 2 above, there must be an affirmative vote of at least a majority of those present and qualified to vote at said meeting.

Section Three: The party may endorse candidates in a primary election, general election or special election where jurisdiction includes Madison County and/or territory greater than Madison County.

Section Four: The Executive Committee is not considered a public body when they are discussing internal party business not related to public appointments. All intra-county party business, including endoresements and party elections, is not subject to open meetings law.


Section One: These bylaws are being enacted with every intention of complying with the Ohio Revised Code, and nothing contained herein shall overrule said Code. This Committee shall at all times act in good faith and in full compliance with all laws of the State of Ohio.

Section Two: These bylaws may be amended by a favorable vote of a majority of a quorum present at a regularly called meeting of the Central Committee, provided that written notice of the time, place and purpose of the meeting shall have been given by mail or e-mail to all members at least five (5) days prior to any such meeting.

Section Three: These bylaws are adopted and enacted as of July 30, 2022.

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